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    Mounting sky
    Thermal Springs
    Nalycheva National Park


"AVACHA" Hotel


KamchatkaThe territory of the Kamchatka area and all Kamchatka is one of the richest in the world on natural and recreational resources. Thermal and mineral sources, volcanoes and the glaciers, a well-known Valley of geysers, various, in the majority of places the flora is not touched with a civilization and fauna, create the big opportunities for development of ecological tourism, sports fishing, mountain-skiing tourism, mountaineering.

In the Kamchatka area are 2 national parks, 17 state animal areas, and 169 unique natural objects, including nature sanctuaries, 5 natural parks. 27% territories of area are referred to a category protected. Five natural territories on the Kamchatka are included by UNESCO in the List of the World cultural and natural heritage, incorporated under the general name " Volcanoes of Kamchatka ".

Such natural phenomena concern to recreational potential, exotic objects and features of area, as grandiose mountain tops with an abundance extinct or active volcanoes, set of hot and cold mineral sources, geysers, located, as a rule, in the picturesque valleys surrounded with mountains with tops raised to the sky, the eternal snows covered, with the slopes overgrown with violent greens and the Alpine meadows, first of all.

Kamchatka is extraordinary rich in water resources: about 14000 rivers and springs, about 100000 big and small lakes, 414 glaciers by the general area 871,1км2 here are totaled. In territory of Kamchatka are 29 working and about 150 extinct volcanoes, 274 mineral sources, 160 from which are hot, it is totaled 37 kinds of wild animals, all kinds of a Pacific salmon. Woods are rich in berry, a ramson, the glutton, beavers live in wild places and otters, set of a fur animal and game a lynx.

KamchatkaCoast of peninsula gives unforgettable impressions , abruptly breaking rocks in foamed waves of the sea, parting with the most beautiful bays and gulfs, where go the rivers with crystal-clear water, where on ledges of rocks are hundred thousand sea birds, see eagles. On set stony islands have a rest numerous seals, and in coastal waters play dolphins and white whales, float majestic whales.

A plenty of the nature sanctuaries representing unique sources, falls, rocks, volcanoes, islands with colonies of birds, lakes and fjords, hills and natural boundaries, fish and animal areas and close areas always will involve the tourists loving a nature. Presence of active volcanic activity, mountain tops in height more than 3000 and 4000 meters, the rough rivers and the seas, coastal waters, rich in fauna, historical monuments, still will cause interest as at cause still interest both at foreign, and in our tourists, scientific, climbers, fans(amateurs) to observe of birds, animal, plants and all variety of a untouched nature.

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